Thursday, May 8, 2008

Critically thinking essay

Ethan Nelson
Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is very important. Thinking critically makes you use your brain and not just say the first thing that comes to you. Most of the time critically thinking is asking for your own opinion about a certain subject or topic.

For example of the topic of what would life be like with ought computers. You would think of life with ought computers and how communications would be out of sync. While I was thinking critically on this topic I thought that with ought computers we would have no internet and no way to communicate with the world instantly. We would not have the ability to gain knowledge of what is going on in the world with the touch of a hand. We have to imagine in our minds of what we think the world would be like with no computers. We would come to the conclusion that we can not access or look up any information that would help us gain knowledge about current events.

Critically thinking is thinking over and above the first though that comes into your mind, and stretching your imagination. You have to say your opinion on the matter, and what you think would be different if we did not have computers.

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