Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Ethan Nelson
Block 4

Excellence is defined on as the fact or state of excelling; superiority; eminence. In the Crooked Tree it talks about how something can be useless if you don’t use it in the correct way. The story says “It is useless to you only because you want to make it into something else and do no use it in its proper way”. The example of this is that the crooked tree is useless for lumber but you can use it for its shade.
Excellence in a person is shown by his perseverance. Perseverance is when a person never gives up no matter what the task or how difficult the task is. An example of this is shown through my neighbor Bob. He had a difficult life growing up and had nothing and his family had no money at all. He never gave up and persevered. He ended up making his own company, RALCO, and did very ell for himself his company is still going on today and is still benefiting from it because he never gave up. This is a great example of excellence in a man. I think this is the most important excellence a person can have followed by excellence in sports.
Also in today’s standard excelling in mostly protruded in sports. A guy or team that excels in sports will become state champions or make the all state team. For example, in golf our team last year excelled and we were the southwest conference champs and Tony excelled by himself and went on to the state tournament.
Excellence is going beyond the “call of duty” and striving to be the best. Those who excel preserver through the hard times and go on to be successful in either life or in sports.

Works Cited
Gibbs, Nancy. "Reading Between the Lies." Time (2003): 1-2.

Hoff, Benjamin. "The Crooked Tree." Seeing Metaphors.

Ludwig, Mark D. "Lok Out for More Blairs." Developing Minds (2004).

Puka, Bill. "Student Cheating." Liberal Education (2005).

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